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Saturday, 18 January 2025
Girls' Choir PDF Print E-mail

The girls in the age from 11 to 17 are students of Private Music school. In the music school they have except the choir lessons the music theory, music instrument and the enlarged vocal training.

A lot of choir compositions of the children choir have been created by the choir's former conductor PaedDr. Miroslava Urbaneková. The current conductor is Mr. Radovan Zajíc.

The choir was participant at more International festivals and concerts in many countries of Europe. In the last Slovak composition of children choirs the Girls choir Ozvena was awarded by gold medal. The choir was presented in Slovak television and in radio broadcasting and has its . The choir is every year the participant of International Choral Festival in Vranov n.T.

Last Updated ( Friday, 20 March 2020 )
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