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Men's Choir PDF Print E-mail

This is the youngest choir of Choral Society Ozvena that has arisen in March 2008 at the Private Music School in Vranov nad Topľou. The boys in the age from 14 to 20 years in choir sung before in the Boy's choir and after their mutation continue to sing in the Men's choir and Youth choir, too.  The choir was first time presented in Eastern concerts in Vranov nad Topľou. In May 2008 sung the older boys in concerts in the International Choral Festival "Fröhlich sein und singen" in Halle, Germany. The choir was participant of the XXI. International Choral Festival in Vranov nad Topľou. The men's choir took part in castings and semifinal of the show program "Slovakia has a talent" together with the boy's choir. The choir sung more times in school programs and in villages of the district Vranov nad Topľou.

The choir has in its repertoire the compositions of more style epochs, sacral music, arrangements of Slovak folk compositions and contemporary works.

The Men's choir cooperates with all choirs of society Ozvena but most with the Boy's choir and the Mixed Youth choir. The conductor is Vilma Krauspeová and piano accompanists of choir are Viktória Gabronová and Zuzana Majerčinová.

The choir is one of few men's  choirs in Slovakia and has a great importance in the area of the men's singing in our country. 

The conductor of choir Mrs.Vilma Krauspeová  is often member of international and domestic juries, the vice-president of the Association of the Slovak Choirs and representative of Slovakia in the European federation Europa Cantat. She is president of International Choral Festival in Vranov nad Topľou, Slovakia.

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 28 October 2008 )
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